
HR Sources and Solutions: It is clear that companies generally require a significant volume of personnel to occupy the various areas that make them up and in turn effectively cover the vacancies that may result from a number of contingencies that can arise with reference to the personal circumstances of the same personnel and this refers to aspects such as: maternity, extended medical leaves and other events that occur on a day-to-day basis in companies. 

The hiring of this personnel is generally in charge of the headquarters, since they are responsible for hiring the required personnel, according to the profile, skills and aptitudes that a person has to fill the vacancies, It is noteworthy that the hiring of new talents for the different companies must at all times comply with quality aspects, since this is supposed to indicate the professionalism and efficiency of the human factor that make up the different companies. 

Obviously, the services that are usually outsourced within companies with optimal results are HR Sources and Solutions processes and their planning

It is worth mentioning that said hiring can be expensive for the headquarters that must not only carry out their tasks, but also with the supervision of the personnel they are in charge of, and that is, classifying and interviewing a number of people to classify them according to what is required and value their experience and curriculum, is a factor that requires time, where everything else can be relegated while the selection process is over, but what happens when it becomes something repeated, given the high demand for personnel in the company and with it the number of contingencies that arise with reference to the personal circumstances of the same? 

Now, it is necessary to indicate that, in order to streamline the process and execute it in an optimal way, companies specialized in personnel recruitment become a strategic ally, which is in charge of making a pre-selection according to the requirements of the vacancy. to occupy, through specialized filters that yield a suitable shortlist (generally a selection of a shortlist is made, which may vary according to the preferences and requests of the headquarters in charge of hiring), which will be presented to the person in charge of hiring which will allow you to make the decision of the suitable personnel, in an effective way. 

And it is that a specialized company dedicated exclusively to HR Sources and Solutions and hiring of personnel for the various companies, can actually be a great relief, since this brings multiple advantages, since, as already stated, the headquarters actually have a workload that represents almost his full day, and if we add to this the selection process of the new talents to be hired and the countless number of interviews that this implies, we would be facing everything that implies having to neglect for a their own labors for a long time, which generally cannot be left unmanaged. 

Recruitment of personnel is a costly process, which indicates that a good ally in personnel recruitment can positively make a difference

That is why, then, the hiring of personnel, by external companies and at the hands of experts in said area, turns out to be as convenient as having the three best resumes on the table, after having gone through the filter of those truly versed in recruitment and human resources, ready to be evaluated, interviewed and even step of the correct hiring. 

Being able to count on an external company that is in charge of hiring the required personnel, then indicates that there is a strategic ally, which is in charge of designing the job offer with the contracting company, in order to take action in all and each of the areas required by the head office, given that the latter is in charge of indicating the specificity of the profile and its special characteristics, which the person in charge of human resources of the external company must replicate in the job offer to be published. 

Subsequently, the expert company in recruiting job profiles will carry out the search for candidates, opening the job offer on the various platforms and virtual job boards that are available in the market, said job offer will be open for a certain time. , and the pre-selection begins on it, since the resumes that arrive must be analyzed and based on said resumes, the decision is made to choose the most outstanding, since they must be submitted to an expert scaler, in order to make the decision that is most suitable. fit the requested profile. Once they are filtered according to the internal processes and policies of each recruitment company, the stage of virtual or face-to-face interviews begins, depending on the case. 

Once the process of the interviews on the most representative resumes is exhausted, a shortlist is chosen, later this selection is sent to the requesting headquarters, accompanied by a valuable report and decisive appreciations about the selection process, also arguing what were the reasons for making said choice, once this happens, the applicant at his discretion will continue and culminate with the selection process. 

If you are wondering how to make the choice against the company with which the outsourcing of personnel selection will be done, the first thing to keep in mind is the trajectory that said company has in the market, review and analyze the cases of success that they refer to their credit, given that we are referring to the recruitment of personnel, which indicates two neuralgic points that point out the true importance of hiring a suitable company that supports the selection process and labor recruitment as such. 

And it is clear that being able to count on the right staff is a true factor of value for companies, given that this at all times indicates that, through the hired talent, the operation is indeed being supported, which is why it is of the utmost importance. making the right hiring through an ideal selection process, and secondly, having and maintaining the lowest staff turnover rates is a factor that is highly relevant. 

Given that a high staff turnover rate not only speaks ill of a company, but also that it refers to truly negative rates within the company, given that this generates significant wear and tear, in time, resources, production or the suspension of the service and, in turn, the money factor may also be affected, in addition to this, if we are facing cases where an investment was made in said employee in order for them to be trained or professionalized, the circumstances may have somewhat nuances. more bitter. 

For this reason, it is necessary to focus on making the best decision against those who will carry out the selection process and in this way be able to trust the process.